All Children Participate in ...
Music: Songs, Dance, Music Stories, Fingerplays, Creative Movement
Art Time: Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Water-colors, Free Expression
Arts & Crafts: Craft Projects, Sculpture, Clay Projects, Gift Making
Pre-Learning Skills: Pre-Math, Shapes, Counting, Pre-Reading, Alphabet, Phonics, Geography, Multicultural Program, Science Exploration
Circle Time: Calendar, Personal Data, Sharing, Interacting with Peers, Story Time
Motor Development: Increasing Cognitive Development, Group Activities, Safety, Gross Motor (Large Muscle), Increasing Spatial Awareness, Ball Skills, Rope Skills, Body Image, Creative Movement, Balance, Fine Motor (Small Muscle), Buttoning, Zipping, Cutting, Writing, Using Manipulatives

2-Year Old Preschool Level
The two-year olds at Discovery daycare love to explore and play with everything they can get their hands on! They love the songs, dances, and fingerplays that will get them on the road to success. Academics are introduced in ways that encourage goal setting and are done in a fun and playful way. Each child begins to identify their name, shapes and colors, letters and numbers. Through the multicultural program, they are exposed to countless different languages and begin to sing childrens songs in these languages. They learn independence and self-help skills, like dressing themselves and how to properly wash their own hands. They become potty trained in very positive manner whenever they are ready to take that step. Developing their fine motor and gross motor skills through structured acitivites and play time becomes an important part of the day. They learn social and commumication skills and begin to recognize their emotions and appropriate ways to express them.
3-Year Old Preschool Level
The three-year olds at Discovery Daycare are in the preschool program that has a stronger focus on pre-learning skills, including handwriting and counting. An emphasis is placed on learning to identify and write both uppercase and lowercase letters, along with the sounds each letter makes. Phonics skills are increased through songs, stories, puzzles and games. Rhyming words are also introduced. They learn the importance of knowing their own phone number and address, and know when their birthday is. Circle Time encourages each child to know the Days of the week, Months of the year, Seasons, Holidays, and weather. They recognize the continents and oceans, and how different regions of the earth have different animals and habitats. More confidence in their gross and fine motor abilities is encouraged. They gain a knowledge of science concepts, observations, making hypotheses, and an understanding of cause and effect. They continue working on self help skills and take pride in their own responsibilities and being able to help others.
Pre - Kindergarten Level
The four and five year olds are in the Kindergarten Readiness program. They master their letters and numbers through both identification and writing. They begin sight words and spelling tests, and recognize familiar words around them as they start to read. The program aligns with Kindergartens in the area and exceeds the expectations of most schools. They have learned their shapes, colors, letters, sequencing, sorting, patterns, rhyming words, Days of the week, Months of the year, and much more. The children graduate from Discovery Daycare with knowledge of the world, it's people, countries, and habitats. They have learned manners and the importance of taking care of themselves and those around them. They take pride in their work and in who they are as individuals.